

Country: Ecuador
City: Quito
Tel: +593.2.252-1480
Fax: +593.2.256-0736
Email: mail@ejgallegos.com
Address: P.O. BOX 17-01-2772. Quito, Ecuador
Website: www.ejgallegos.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Antitrust
Key Areas: Prosecution and Litigation
Contact Person: Francisco Gallegos-Rivas
Personal Email: mail@ejgallegos.com
Language: English,Spanish,Portuguese

Firm Profile

The firm specializes, among other fields, in civil, corporate, commercial, real estate, intellectual property and labor law and litigation. The structure that was put in place, which remains until today, was focused to support the firm's lawyers in their areas of practice. Given the needs of many of our clients businesses and operations, through the years the firm has established a worldwide network that allows us to service our clients locally and abroad. We can become your legal hub for Latin America. Our team expertise help clients get the best result in every transaction. Our resources let us do work quickly at reasonable costs. Our client focus allows us meet your expectations. Wise, imaginative and creative thinking to fit your needs.

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