
El-Bedeawi Law Office

Country: Egypt
City: Cairo
Tel: +20102750120
Fax: +20226826443
Email: services@elbedeawilawoffice.com
Address: +20160404012
Website: www.elbedeawilawoffice.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Antitrust
Contact Person: Muhammad El-Bedeawi
Personal Email: m.elbedeawi@elbedeawilawoffice.com
Language: English,Arabic

Firm Profile

We are a growing and promising law firm consists more than five experts in many fields of practice in law and many associates, and having more than fifteen years of hard work experience. However, we are gladly do provide our customers with the best ever sustainable legal services that meet their requirements and bring their rights back to them.

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