
Adel & Mahmoud IP law firm

Country: Egypt
City: Cairo
Tel: 002 0176298979
Fax: 00
Email: ip_adel_egypt@yahoo.com
Address: info@adelip.com
Website: www.adelip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Others
Key Areas: 002
Personal Email: ip_adel_eg.asia@yahoo.com
Language: English,Arabic

Firm Profile

Please allow us to introduce our firm to you Mr. ADEL and Mr. MAHMOUD for INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY is one of leading intellectual property office in Egypt. We have specialist patent teams and also have dedicated trademark, commercial and legal department to handle the related litigations. we have a team of specialized IP lawyers and IP expertise to provide you a high quality and professional services. We hope to be your overseas legal representative of Patent and Trademark, especially in EGYPT and north Africa. What we do?? We are patent agents specialized in registering of trademarks, patents, industrial designs. The firm handles payment of annuities and renewals for patents, designs and trademarks as well as assignments and / or license agreements, oppositions and petitions for local and international trademarks registered in Egypt. and in the rendering of all related services. We also handle litigation in association with qualified professional attorneys at law. we shall work side by side in addition to that our office is an extension of your office and assuring you always of our best attention and services.

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