

Country: Egypt
City: cairo
Tel: 00201224381231
Fax: 00201005404881
Address: P.O Box 6 El MALEK EL SALEH 11559, CAIRO, EGYPT
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Language: English,Arabic,French

Firm Profile

COMPANY INTRODUCTION Ashry & Adel Intellectual Property is part of The Egyptian Patent Attorneys Organization and is regarded as world largest Intellectual Property (IP) firm on the basis of market reach, wide rang of IP services and professional employees. The services include Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights, Industrial designs and all related IP issues. Ashry & Adel Intellectual Property was established in Cairo in 1995 and since then adheres to high ethical and professional standards, and employs qualified in-house team of professionals as well as state-of-the-art technology, so as to provide a comprehensive range of IP services tailored to meet our client’s needs. Ashry & Adel Intellectual Property has been a worldwide pioneer in the registration and protection of IPR and has become the largest leading firm operating throughout the region that serves out through our office in Cairo and 35 correspondents around the world. The firm’s large list representing nearly 5% the Fortune Global 500 firms around the world guarantees the highest quality of services and we do all our best to representing nearly 25% the Fortune Global 500 firms at the year end. Ashry & Adel Intellectual Property has won Best IP firm in Egypt for 2000 and 2006 and is ranked among the top 5 IP firm in Egypt in the Managing Intellectual Property. So, we are ready and hopeful that with this exchange of e-mails a mutual beneficial business and professional relationship can be established between both of our firms. And we shall work side by side in addition to that our office is an extension of your office and assuring you always of our best attention and services. We would be pleased to have a meeting with you in order to discuss ways in which we may assist you and your Members by providing IP related services in new markets. Besides, we have large quantity intellectual property cases each year from our company to your Area. If the cooperation between us is satisfied, as a return, we will also give you a number relatively intellectual property cases. Meanwhile, For more information about our firm, areas of practice, the policy of our firm, Countries which we handles and professionals we invite you to visit our website www.ashryandadel.com or if you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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