Copyright Management of Radio and Television Industry in the Digital Economy Era




At the 12th CIPIAF, Yang Xingfang, General Manager of IP and Legal Center of New TV ( previous known as ICNTV) delivered a speech on “Copyright Management of Radio and Television Industry in the Digital Economy Era.”

Yang Xingfang first introduced the role of the current copyright Law in helping the copyright management of radio and television industry. The current Copyright Law has extended the right of broadcasting organizations to the Internet area so as to protect the investment and labor of radio and television organizations in the selection, arrangement and transmission of audio-visual programs. When the relevant subject infringes on the radio right and copyright of the radio and television organization or its authorized subject, the damage to the radio right and copyright shall be evaluated respectively to determine the fine or punishment. If the radio right and copyright of radio and television organizations are owned by different subjects, any subject can investigate the infringement.

Yang also analyzed the problems facing the copyright management of the radio and television industry in the digital economy era from aspects including originality, sub-authorization as well as promotion and gave her suggestions.

Yang said that with the wide application of digital technologies including 5G intelligent interview, AI-assisted creation and 3D video playback, the radio and television industry is expected to produce more audio-visual programs in line with rich application scenarios. The radio and television industry, faced with the threatening trend of profit decline from its traditional business,  should develop new new business forms to adapt to the digital era.