the 108th Issue:China to launch first 3D TV channel

China IP Weekly   Issue 108 Forward       Subscription    December, 1st, 2011

· China to launch first 3D TV channel

BEIJING- China's first 3D television channel will air on a trial basis on January 1, 2012 and go into official operation during the upcoming Lunar New Year Festival in late January... More

·Major breakthrough in enhancement of the global patent system: EPO and SIPO sign agreement on Chinese-English machine transla

In an unprecedented move to eliminate linguistic barriers in public access to patent information, the EPO and the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO) at their annual bilateral co-operation meeting held in Chongqing...  More

· Beijing: BMW faces suit over Long March rocket advertising

The Fengtai District People's Court has begun hearing a lawsuit filed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) against automaker BMW China ...More

Issue 45, By Tommy Zhang, Doris Li, China IP,[Comprehensive Reports]
At a forum in 2009, China IP met Samson G. Yu, managing partner of Kangxin Partners, P.C. (hereinafter referred to as Kangxin) and listened as he elaborated on how to use the ISO9001 management tool in the intellectual property (IP) agency industry for the first time...  More 
The rise of the European continent was based on the Industrial Revolution. Britain, France and Germany; the national prosperity of these traditional capitalist countries... More  

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